No tumor system is more amenable to multidiscipline therapy than head and neck cancers. Diagnosis is enhanced by fine-needle cytology, computerized tomography (a) scan, and tumor markers. Modified surgical techniques, COz laser, and immediate myocutaneous flap reconstruction have enhanced surgery. Endocurie therapy, radiosensitizers, and particle therapy supplementation have enhanced radiotherapy. Combination chemotherapy, immunotherapy, prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors, and retinoids have enhanced chemotherapy. Induction chemotherapy followed by surgery with or without postoperative radiotherapy is optimum multidisciplinary therapy. Reduction in exposure to tobacco, alcohol, sunlight, gamma irradiation, occupational toxins, and Epstein-Barr virus, and recognizing high-risk hereditory conditions, can help prevent these cancers.Cancer 542673-2681, 1984.EAD AND NECK CANCERS are more amenable to H the development of new preventive, diagnostic,