Iron(Fe) is a trace metal element necessary for plant growth, but excess iron is harmful to plants. Natural resistance-associated macrophage proteins (NRAMPs) are important for divalent metal transport in plants. In this study, we isolated the MsNRAMP2 (MN_547960) gene from alfalfa, the perennial legume forage. The expression of MsNRAMP2 is specifically induced by iron excess. Overexpression of MsNRAMP2 conferred transgenic tobacco tolerance to iron excess, while it conferred yeast sensitivity to excess iron. Together with the MsNRAMP2 gene, MsMYB (MN_547959) expression is induced by excess iron. Y1H indicated that the MsMYB protein could bind to the “CTGTTG” cis element of the MsNRAMP2 promoter. The results indicated that MsNRAMP2 has a function in iron transport and its expression might be regulated by MsMYB. The excess iron tolerance ability enhancement of MsNRAMP2 may be involved in iron transport, sequestration, or redistribution.