It is proved that for any 0 < β < α, any bounded Ahlfors α-regular space contains a β-regular compact subset that embeds biLipschitzly in an ultrametric with distortion at most O(α/(α − β)). The bound on the distortion is asymptotically tight when β → α. The main tool used in the proof is a regular form of the ultrametric skeleton theorem.Here C c > 0 are independent of x and r. Ahlfors α-regular space X has, in particular, Hausdorff dimension dim H (X) = α. For more information on Ahlfors regular spaces and their importance, see [8, 5,7].An ultrametric space is a metric space (U, ρ) satisfying the strengthened triangle inequality ρ(x, y) max{ρ(x, z), ρ(y, z)} for all x, y, z ∈ U. Saying that (X, d) embeds (biLipschitzly) with distortion D ∈ [1, ∞) into an ultrametric space means that there exists an ultrametric ρ on X satisfying d(x, y) ρ(x, y) Dd(x, y) for all x, y ∈ X. The ultrametric distortion of X is the infimum over D for which X embeds in an ultrametric with distortion at most D.In this paper we study regular (approximate) ultrametric subsets of Ahlfors regular spaces. Arcozzi et. al. [1, Theorem 1] proved that for every 0 < β < α, any bounded Ahlfors α-regular