Extensive experimental studies have been performed to investigate the unsteady boundary layer behavior over a plunging wind turbine blade section. The studies have been undertaken at various combinations of reduced frequencies, Reynolds numbers, and locations. A boundary layer rake has been carefully manufactured and utilized for velocity measurements inside the unsteady boundary layer. The measurement has been conducted in pre-static stall conditions. The reduced frequency and free stream velocity have varied from 0.005 to 0.1, and 30 to 60 m/s, respectively. To cover all possible scenarios, the streamwise positions of measurements have been chosen to be in favorable (x/c = 0.37), almost zero (x/c = 0.47), and adverse pressure gradient (x/c = 0.57) regions, on the blade section. The velocity inside the boundary layer has shown high sensitivity to the reduced frequency in the different pressure gradient regions. In some definite test cases, velocity inside boundary layer has shown beating phenomena, which is the result of the periodical appearance of the leading edge vortex. The impact of the leading edge vortex on the velocity has been observed to be more evident, in some cases, in the form of signal beating. This signature has been more evident, as the rake entered the adverse pressure gradient region. In order to quantify this observed phenomenon, the time-dependent velocity data have been transformed into the frequency domain, utilizing the discrete Fourier transformation. Even though the leading edge vortex has been continuously developed on the profile, and then has shed toward the leading edge, during each cycle on a plunging profile, the dominant frequency throughout this process has been measured to be about 4 Hz for this blade section.