Laboratory medicine has undergone a deep and multifaceted revolution in the course of human history, in both organizational and technical terms. Over the past century, there has been a growing recognition of the need to centralize numerous diagnostic activities, often similar or identical but located in different clinical departments, into a common environment (i.e., the medical laboratory service), followed by a progressive centralization of tests from smaller laboratories into larger diagnostic facilities. Nevertheless, the numerous technological advances that emerged at the beginning of the new millennium have helped to create a new testing culture characterized by a countervailing trend of decentralization of some tests closer to patients and caregivers. The forces that have driven this (centripetal) counter-revolution essentially include a few key concepts, namely “home testing”, “portable or even wearable devices” and “remote patient monitoring”. By their very nature, laboratory medical services and remote patient testing/monitoring are not contradictory, but may well coexist, with the choice of one or the other depending on the demographic and clinical characteristics of the patient, the type of analytical procedure and the logistics and local organization of the care system. Therefore, this article aims to provide a general overview of patient self-testing, with a particular focus on portable and wearable (including implantable) devices.