• Medicare Part D services are delivered through 2 different types of private plans: Medicare Advantage prescription drug (MA-PD) plans or stand-alone prescription drug plans (PDPs). MA-PD plans cover both drug therapy and other medical services, whereas PDPs provide prescription drug coverage only. • An economic model suggests that an optimal level of medication use, which maximizes consumers' utility or benefit, will be achieved when one insurer is responsible for covering all types of substitutable services. Observational studies have suggested that pharmacy therapy and nondrug medical services may be substitutable. Goldman et al. (2006) found that medication possession ratio (MPR) of less than 80% for statin therapy was associated with increases in hospitalizations and emergency room visits. Gibson et al. (2006) reported that MPR greater than 80% for statin therapy was related to fewer coronary heart disease-related hospitalizations, all-cause hospitalizations, and emergency room visits.• These findings suggest that health plans that cover both drug and medical services may have an incentive to improve medication adherence in an attempt to reduce medical costs. MA-PD plans offer more generous drug benefits than do PDPs. However, little is known about whether Medicare beneficiaries in MA-PD plans, which cover different types of substitutable services, have better medication adherence than those in PDPs.
What is already known about this subjectComparison of Statin Adherence Among Beneficiaries in MA-PD Plans Versus PDPs Kyoungrae Jung, PhD; A. Marshall McBean, MD, MSc; and Jee-Ae Kim, MPP ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Medicare Part D, which provides prescription drug coverage to Medicare beneficiaries, is delivered through either Medicare Advantage prescription drug (MA-PD) plans or stand-alone prescription drug plans (PDPs). MA-PD plans cover both drug therapy and other medical services, whereas PDPs provide prescription drug coverage only. Because of the potential substitutability between prescription drugs and other medical services, MA-PD plans may make greater efforts to improve enrollees' adherence to recommended medications than PDPs. Prescription drug benefits are more generous in MA-PD plans than in PDPs.