ERC20 token is the most popular type of Ethereum smart contract. The daily transaction volume of these tokens exceeds 100 billion dollars, which agitates the popular notions of "decentralized banking" and "tokenized economy". Yet, it is a common misconception to assume that the decentralization of blockchain entails the decentralization of smart contracts deployed on this blockchain. In practice, the developers of smart contracts implement administrating patterns, such as censoring certain users, creating or destroying balances on demand, destroying smart contracts, or injecting arbitrary code. These routines, which are designed to tightly control the operation of these smart contracts, turn an ERC20 token into an administrated token -the type of Ethereum smart contract that we scrutinize in this research. We discover that many smart contracts are administrated, which means that their owners solely possess an omnipotent power over these contracts. Moreover, the owners of these tokens carry lesser social and legal responsibilities compared to the traditional centralized actors that those tokens intend to disrupt. This entails two major problems: a) the owners of the tokens have the ability to quickly steal all the funds and disappear from the market; and b) if the private key of the owner's account is stolen, all the assets might immediately turn into the property of the attacker. Therefore, the administrated ERC20 tokens are not only dissimilar to the traditional centralized asset management tools, such as banks, but they are also more vulnerable to adversarial actions by their owners or attackers. We develop a pattern recognition framework based on 9 syntactic features characterizing administrated ERC20 tokens, which we use to analyze existing smart contracts deployed on Ethereum Mainnet. Our analysis of 84,062 unique Ethereum smart contracts reveals that nearly 58% of them are administrated ERC20 tokens, which accounts for almost 90% of all ERC20 tokens deployed on Ethereum. To protect users from the frivolousness of unregulated token owners without depriving the ability of these owners to properly manage their tokens, we introduce SafelyAdministrated -a library that enforces a responsible ownership and management of ERC20 tokens. The library introduces three mechanisms: deferred maintenance, board of trustees and safe pause. We implement and test SafelyAdministrated in the form of Solidity abstract contract, which is ready to be used by the next generation of safely administrated ERC20 tokens.