Conditions of oT'igination of aeroacoustic resonance phenomena near an axisymmctric body in the fo~n of a thick-wailed tube in an air flow in a rectangularIntroduction. At)proaches based on the notion of coherent structures (ordered formations in turbulent flows) are nlore and more extensively use(1 in turbulence theory. New nmthods appear for flow description by expanding it into eigenflmctions. The advantage of these approaches is tile possibility of deliberate control of turbulent flows, since ordered structures can serve as objects that can be maniI)ulated to alter the flow ~ a whole. For the sanle.reasons, the notion of coherent structures wins used to study the laminar-turbulent transition, at le~ust, its late stages. At tile same time, there is a lack of papers wherein the knowledge of the fine structure of a turbulent flow is implemented in the form of flow control. This is related to the difficulties in identification of coherent structures and the necessity of finding effective methods of action on them and determining the contribution of changes in coherent structures to the total change in flow characteristics.Aeroacoustic resonance is an example of a flow wherein the above-mentioned difficulties are observed but can be overcome, since coherent structures are clearly identified, it is possible to influence them effectively, and these actions have a significant effect on the flow. Exl)erinmntal and numerical studies of resonant phenonlena in the flow around a periodic rake of plates in a rectangular channel, which are caused by unsteady shedding of the boundary layer fronl the trailing edges of the plates, were first described ill [1,2]. It was shown that the eigenoscillations in this case are purely acoustic an(t are not related to oscillations of the plates. The dependence of tile amplitu(le of eigenoscillations on the spatial coordinates near one plate located in the plane of symmetry of tile channel was studied in [3,4]. The relationship between tile resonant characteristics and the wake flow was cousi(lered in [5,6]. Various aspects of mechanics of oscillations near the trailing edge were examined in [7][8][9]. It was shown that coherent structures nmnif'ested in the frequency spectrum of velocity oscillations arise in wake flows behind thick plates with rounde(l trailing edges. The f'requency and amplitude of oscillations corresponding to these structures can be controlled by means of" an external acoustic action. Sukhinin an(l Bardakhanov [10,11] proposed a conlplete inatheniatical model for deternlining the acoustic eigenfrequencies of resoImnt volmnes and compared the calculated frequencies with experiinental (late for the case of fiat plates. At the same time,