The use of porous materials is one of several approaches to control or minimize the generation of flow noise. As a simple model for struts and other protruding parts (for example components of the landing gear or pantographs from high speed trains), the noise generated by circular cylinders with a soft porous cover was measured in a small aeroacoustic wind tunnel at Reynolds numbers between approximately 16,000 and 103,000. The porous materials were characterized by their air flow resistivity, a parameter describing the permeability of an open-porous material. The aim of this study is to identify those materials that result in the best noise reduction, which refers to both tonal noise and broadband noise. To this end, measurements with single microphones were performed on a set of cylinders whose porous materials cover a large range of air flow resistivities.The results show that materials with low air flow resistivities lead to a noticeable flow noise reduction. Thereby, the main effect of the porous cylinder covers is that the spectral peak due to the aeolian tone is much narrower, but is not suppressed completely. Additionally, a reduction of broadband noise can be observed, especially at higher Reynolds numbers. The noise reduction increases with decreasing air flow resistivity of the porous covers, which means that materials that are highly permeable to air result in the best noise reduction.
List of symbolsB [Hz] width of the spectral peak b [m] thickness of a sample of porous material D [m] outer diameter of the cylinders with porous cover d [m] diameter of the rigid core cylinder f [Hz] frequency Gmic1,mic2(f ) [Pa 2 /Hz] cross-spectral density between signals from microphone 1 and 2 Ma [-] Mach number L [m] length of the cylinders Lp [dB] sound pressure level Δp [Pa] static pressure difference r [Pa s/m 2 ] air flow resistivity of a porous material Re [-] Reynolds number based on cylinder diameter Sauto,mic1(f ) [Pa 2 /Hz] auto-spectral density of the signal from microphone 1 SCOP,mic1(f ) [Pa 2 /Hz] coherent noise spectral density from microphone 1 according to Equation (6) Sr [-] Strouhal number based on cylinder diameter Tu [%] turbulence intensity u [m/s] turbulent velocity fluctuations U [m/s] mean (time-averaged) flow velocity U0 [m/s] free stream velocity (flow speed) x, y, z [m] cartesian coordinates γ 2 mic1,mic2 (f ) [1] coherence between signals from microphone 1 and 2 σ [1] volume porosity τ [1] tortuosity