Abstract. This paper analyzes different techniques for the calibration of force balances for use in shortduration impulse hypersonic facilities such as shock tunnels. The background to how deconvolution can be used to infer aerodynamic forces on models in impulse hypersonic wind tunnels is presented along with the theory behind the different calibration techniques. Four calibration techniques are applied to a singlecomponent stress-wave force balance. Experiments in the T4 shock tunnel using the balance demonstrate the suitability of the different calibrations for force measurements in an impulse facility. Cross checks between the calibration techniques are used to check their ranges of validity. It is shown that the impulse response derived from tests in which the model and force balance are suspended from a fine wire and the wire cut agree well with impulse responses derived from calibrations made using an impact hammer. The suitability of the balance for measuring dynamic forces is demonstrated by showing that the drag force on a model follows the history of Pitot pressure in the test section in the tunnel shots.