Adaptive compliant trailing edge (ACTE) technology uses compliant structures to make changes in wing trailing edge shape with smoothly curved surfaces along the flow direction, avoiding abrupt slope changes created by conventional hinged control surfaces. The effects of this technology were evaluated for application to commercial transport aircraft using three study configurations: a 224-seat hybrid wing body (HWB), a 222-seat conventional wide-body transport, and a 154-seat conventional narrow-body transport. Elevon and aileron controls on the outer wing of the HWB were converted to ACTE surfaces. The aft portion of the flaps on the conventional configurations were converted to ACTE surfaces, allowing the flaps to retain maximum lift characteristics when extended at low speed while giving them freedom to deflect for load alleviation and roll control in high-speed flight. Benefits from load alleviation and more efficient spanloads were evaluated, with optimization used to determine the best way to deflect control surfaces over representative structural design and cruise conditions. Weight penalties for control surface structure, actuators, and hydraulics to support ACTE were assessed. Traditional analysis processes were used to evaluate vehicle-level changes to weight, drag, and fuel burn. Benefits of ACTE varied between the different aircraft, driven by the effectiveness of control surface arrangements and the importance of wing weight reduction for each configuration. The conventional wide-body transport showed the largest benefits, reducing empty weight by 2.6%, takeoff weight by 2.4%, and fuel burn by 3.0%.