A continuous adjoint formulation for optimal shape design of rotating surfaces, including open rotor blades, is developed, analyzed, and applied. The compressible Euler equations are expressed in a rotating reference frame, and from these governing flow equations, an adjoint formulation centered around finding surface sensitivities using di↵erential geometry is derived. The surface formulation provides the gradient information necessary for performing gradient-based aerodynamic shape optimization. A two-dimensional test case consisting of a rotating airfoil is used to verify the accuracy of the gradient information obtained via the adjoint method against finite di↵erencing, and a gradient accuracy study is also performed. The shape of the airfoil is then optimized for drag minimization in the presence of transonic shocks. In three-dimensions, the formulation is verified against finite di↵erencing for a classic, two-bladed rotor, which is then redesigned for minimum inviscid torque using a Free-Form Deformation approach to geometry parameterization. Optimal shape design for open rotor blades is presented as a final application of the new continuous adjoint formulation. Nomenclature V ariable Definition c Airfoil chord length d Force projection vector j S Scalar function defined at each point on S n Unit normal vector p Static pressure p 1 Freestream pressurẽ r Position vector from the frame rotation center to a point in the flow domaiñ r o Specified frame rotation center u r Velocity due to rotation at a point,! ⇥r v Flow velocity vector in the intertial framẽ v r Relative flow velocity vector,ṽ ũ r v 1 Freestream velocitỹ A Euler flux Jacobian matrices A z Projected area in the z-direction C d Coe cient of drag C l Coe cient of lift C p Coe cient of pressure C Q Coe cient of torque, Q/(0.5⇢ 1 ⇡R 3 (!R) 2) C T Coe cient of thrust, T /(0.5⇢ 1 ⇡R 2 (!R) 2) E Total energy per unit mass F Euler convective fluxes F rot