“…we obtain, after substitution of (13)-( 16) into (11) and certain transformations, the equation for the mean density in the boundary layer of the jet in the main section: If pg is much less than Pro, as follows from (1)-( 5), (9), and (17), it is inevitable that a discontinuity occurs in the jet [1,4]. This is confirmed by experiment [3,6], which shows that the frequency of jet disruption does not remain constant and is dependent on the flow conditions; this frequency fm may be 6-48 tiz or more in the jet condition, and the flow of the jet may be considered as quasistationary, with constant maximal parameters in the fluidized bed, which can be calculated via (1)-( 5), ( 7)- (9), and (17). The parametric criterion Xj/Hp [3] defines the existence of the jet condition and, as a special case, the condition for local existence of a fountain.…”