This paper presents the process of implementing numerical simulation for a tri-copter
in forward flight using the open source code OpenFOAM with the library of Virtual
Blade Model (VBM). The tri-copter has 0.75-meter radius and 15-Newton weight. Its
propulsion system consists of three two-blade propellers typed XOAR PJP-T-L 1245
with12-inch diameter and 4.5-inch pitch. In the first part, the aerodynamic
performance of the tri-copter’s frame (not including the propellers) is investigated at
the range of angle of attack from -12 degree to 12 degree by simulation in OpenFOAM.
Secondly, these force coefficients are exploited in the analytical approach based on the
Blade Element Theory (BET) to determine the rotor disk plane angle and the tri-copter’s
frame angle for steady, level, forward flight at 15-m/s. Finally, after obtaining the
relative angle of -2 degree between the rotor tip-path-plane and the tri-copter’s frame,
the simulation for the tri-copter in forward flight including three rotor disks rotating at
4732-RPM will be carried out through the rotorDisksource library of the open source
code OpenFOAM. A steady, incompressible solver with k-ω SST turbulence model is
applied in the simple Foam algorithm. The aerodynamic forces and the dynamic fields
surrounding the tri-copter will be discussed in detail, while the effect of tri-copter’s
frame on rotor operation will also be considered. Moreover, the results of thrust from
each propeller from simulation are compared to that of analytical BET method and that
of propeller performance provided by the manufacturer. This comparison proves
rational of using virtual disk to replace real propeller in the CFD simulation.