An approach to the joint design construction and stabilization system of the highly maneuverable unmanned aerial vehicle account with requirements of aeroservoelacticity, the most important of which is to prevent self-oscillations in the unmanned aerial vehicle stabilization loop. The approach includes three stages. The first stage is the preliminary choice of structure and basic parameters of the unmanned aerial vehicle stabilization loop account with aeroservoelacticity requirements. The second stage is the separate design of subsystems (airframe, stabilization system) by traditional methods in compliance with the requirements formulated at the first stage. The goals to be achieved at this stage are to obtain a rational (from the standpoint of mass and technological perfection) design of the unmanned aerial vehicle airframe, and a stabilization system that provides the required dynamics and the accuracy of execution of commands, as well as the minimum cost, dimensions and weight. The third stage is the coordination of the selected structure and design parameters of the airframe and stabilization system, aimed at meeting the aeroservoelasticity requirements (the authors use the model of the unmanned aerial vehicle stabilization loop stability study, reflecting the specifics of the classes of highly maneuverable aircraft). An example of the process of developing the highly maneuverable unmanned aerial vehicle account with aeroservoelacticity requirements is given.