Despite the substantial improvements in the measurements of aerosol physical and chemical properties and in the direct and indirect radiative effects of aerosols, there is still a need for studying the properties of aerosols under controlled laboratory conditions to develop a mechanistic and quantitative understanding of aerosol formation, chemistry, and dynamics. In this work, we present the factors that affect measurement accuracy and the resulting uncertainties of the extinction-minus-scattering method using a combination of cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) and integrating nephelometry at a wider range of optical wavelengths than previously attempted. Purely scattering polystyrene latex (PSL) spheres with diameters from 107-303 nm and absorbing polystyrene spheres (APSL) with 390 nm diameter were used to determine the consistency and agreement, within experimental uncertainties, of CRDS and nephelometer values with theoretical calculations derived from Mie theory for non-absorbing spheres. Overall uncertainties for extinction cross-section were largely 10%-11% and dominated by condensation particle counter (CPC) measurement error. Two methods for determining σ ext error are described, and they were found to produce equivalent results. Systematic uncertainties due to particle losses, RD cell geometry (R L ), CPC counting efficiency, ring-down regression fitting, blank drift, optical tweezing, and recapturing of forward scattered light are also investigated. The random error observed in this work for absorbing spheres is comparable to previous reported measurements. For both absorbing and non-absorbing spheres, a statistical framework is developed for including the contributions to random error due to CPC measurement uncertainty, R L , statistical fluctuations in