In mechanically ventilated patients the flow pattern during bronchodilator delivery by metered-dose inhaler (MDI) could be a factor that might influence the effectiveness of this therapy. In order to test this the effect of two different inspiratory flow patterns on the bronchodilation induced by b 2 -agonists administered via MDI and spacer in a group of mechanically ventilated patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was examined.Eighteen mechanically ventilated patients with COPD, were prospectively randomized to receive two (n=8, protocol A) or six (n=10 protocol B) puffs salbutamol (100 mg . puff -1 ) either under pressure control (decelerating flow pattern) or under volume control (square wave flow pattern). With both modes, tidal volume and inspiratory time were identical. Salbutamol was administered via an MDI adapted to the inspiratory limb of the ventilator circuit using an aerosol cloud-enhancer spacer. After a 6-h washout, patients were crossed over to receive the same dose of salbutamol (200 or 600 mg, respectively in protocols A and B) by the alternative mode of administration. Static and dynamic airway pressures, minimum (Rint) and maximum (Rrs) inspiratory resistance and the difference between Rrs and Rint (DR) were measured before and at 15, 30 and 60 min after salbutamol.Independent of the dose, salbutamol caused a significant decrease in dynamic and static airway pressures, Rint and Rrs. These changes were not influenced by the inspiratory flow pattern and were evident at 15, 30 and 60 min after salbutamol.It is concluded that salbutamol delivered via metered dose inhaler and spacer device, induces significant bronchodilation in mechanically ventilated patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, the magnitude of which is not affected by the inspiratory flow/time profile. Eur Respir J 2000; 16: 263±268. The delivery of bronchodilators via metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) in mechanically ventilated patients has received considerable interest in recent years [1±5]. It has been shown that MDIs adapted to the inspiratory line of the ventilator using a spacer device are as effective as nebulizers, despite the significantly lower dose of bronchodilator given by MDI [1±5]. A spacer device is thought to be fundamental to demonstrating the efficacy of the bronchodilatory therapy given by MDI [1±5]. Studies that delivered bronchodilators via MDI directly to the endotracheal tube failed to demonstrate any beneficial effect even after administration of high doses of bronchodilators [6]. The use of MDIs has several advantages over use of nebulizers, such as reduced cost, ease of administration, less personnel time, reliability of dosing and lower risk of contamination [7±10].The technique of administration of bronchodilators in mechanically ventilated patients using an MDI and a spacer is an important factor determining the efficacy of this therapy. The timing of drug delivery and ventilator parameters during the administration of bronchodilators, such as the tidal volume (V...