Patient satisfaction is a feeling of delight or displease that arises after comparing between perceptions of caring behaviors. Nurse's caring is care, support or information provided by nurses. The purpose of this research was to identify the relationship between caring behavior and patient satisfaction in treating Medical Surgical room at Hospital. The research used an analytical correlation design with the cross sectional approach. The sampling used total sampling technique with the number of 50 patients in Medical Surgical room at Hospital. The data collection was done through questionnaires. The results of the univariate analysis of the patient satisfaction showed that most of the patients were less satisfied. As many as 28 people (52%) and most of the nurses showed less caring behavior as many as 30 people (60%). Bivariate analysis used chi square-correlation test. The test results showed that there was no meaningful correlation between nurse caring behaviors and patient satisfaction (P=0.450). It is necessary to improve nurse caring through training in accordance with the field of work of nurses, giving a feedback from the result of the patient satisfaction assessment to each nurse, and rewarding by or continuing education in order to improve nurse caring.