Purpose: to compare auditory, proprioceptive and total symptoms in dysphonia patients pre-and postgroup therapy, and associate the number of vocal symptoms with gender, age, professional use of voice, and laryngeal diagnosis variables. Methods: the sample included 27 patients enrolled in therapeutic groups. All had auditory, proprioceptive, and total vocal symptoms from the Vocal Screening Protocol (VSP), pre-and post-group therapy, which consisted of eight meetings, with the first and last being for the implementation of the VSP; in the second to seventh, speech therapy sessions were performed using an eclectic approach. Results: the participants were adults, mostly female, and predominantly with laryngeal diagnoses involving lesions in the membranous portion of the vocal folds. There was a significant reduction in proprioceptive and total vocal symptoms when pre-and post-therapy was compared. The following vocal symptoms were significantly minimized post-therapy: vocal fatigue, dry throat, lumps in the throat, effort and discomfort when speaking. There was a connection between post group therapy (proprioceptive, auditory, and total) vocal symptoms and the female and laryngeal diagnosis involving mass lesions in the membranous portion of the vocal folds variables. There was no connection between post-therapy vocal symptoms and age or professional use of voice. Conclusion: there was a reduction in total and proprioceptive vocal symptoms reported by patients, comparing pre-and post-therapy. There was a connection between females and diagnoses of mass lesions in the membranous portion of the vocal folds and total, proprioceptive, and auditory symptoms post-voice therapy. Age and professional use of voice were not associated with reduced vocal symptoms. Keywords: Voice; Dysphonia; Signs and Symptoms; Speech Therapy; Voice Training; Group Processes RESUMO Objetivo: comparar os sintomas auditivos, proprioceptivos e os totais pré e pós-terapia de grupo de pacientes com disfonia, além de associar o número de sintomas vocais às variáveis sexo, faixa etária, uso profissional da voz e diagnóstico laríngeo. Métodos: participaram 27 pacientes inseridos em grupos terapêuticos. Todos responderam aos sintomas vocais auditivos, proprioceptivos e totais do Protocolo de Triagem Vocal (PTV) pré e pós-terapia de grupo, que constou de oito encontros, sendo o primeiro e último para aplicação do PTV; do segundo ao sétimo foram realizadas sessões terapêuticas fonoaudiológicas de abordagem eclética. Resultados: os participantes eram adultos, maioria do sexo feminino e diagnóstico laríngeo predominante de lesão na porção membranosa das pregas vocais. Pôde-se perceber que houve redução significante dos sintomas vocais proprioceptivos e totais quando se comparou pré e pós-terapia. Minimizaram significantemente pós-terapia os sintomas vocais: fadiga vocal, garganta seca, bolo na garganta, esforço e desconforto ao falar. Houve associação entre sintomas vocais (proprioceptivos, auditivos e totais) pós--terapia de grupo com as variávei...