The study discusses theinfluence of affectivity on teacher-student relationships and their contributions to the teaching-learning process. The objective is to highlightthe importance of affectivity throughout the schooling process and its respective impacts on student preparation and learning, also alerting to the need for new academic research on affectivity in the classroom. The problem that guided this study is what are the contributions of affectivity in the teacher-student relationship and its impacts on the teaching-learning process.The structure of the article is divided into three main themes, which are: conceptualizations and reflections on learning and affectivity, the importance of affectivity in the teacher-student relationship and in learning, and finally, the datasurvey and analysis. The methodology is bibliographic in nature, enriched with the state of knowledge, from the Periodic Portal of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), in the last decade. Of the articles found, nineteen focus on the descriptor affectivity, covering the stages of early childhood education, elementary school, high school, higher education and distance education, which showed the importance of the teacher and his influence through the development of interactions, harmonious and affective relationships established from early childhood education to higher education. It was concluded that, throughout the schooling process, affectivity is an essential factor, which generates positive reflexes in education, and that the teacher is essential to the development of affective relationships established at all levels of education.