In May 2020, the world of international psychology lost an accomplished and beloved member of our community, Jean Lau Chin, EdD, to COVID-19. Jean was a professor of psychology, a scholar, researcher, author, educator, feminist mentor, Fulbright Scholar, leader, and most importantly, an outstanding advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion. She was a powerhouse in psychology and an international voice on diversity leadership, culturally competent mental health services, women's issues, and feminism. This International Perspectives of Psychology Special Issue on Women During COVID-19 is dedicated to Jean as a small acknowledgment of the impact and significance on international psychology and remembrance of how her legacy will continue. Many involved in the creation of this Special Issue wanted to share their memories of Jean:"The field of international psychology continues to mourn the loss of Jean and her tireless contributions in advocating and mentoring women leaders" commented Irma Barron. "Jean Lau Chin is a role model for me: she put others first, connected people and built bridges. She fills the eternal space with kindness and wisdom and will watch over us like a guardian angel" said Polli Hagenaars.