“…The ventral group consists of inspiratory and expiratory neurones lying in a region associated with the nucleus paraambiguus and retroambigalis in the vicinity of the nucleus ambiguus and having bulbospinal or propriobulbar axons (Batsel, 1964;Merrill, 1970;Bianchi, 1971). Recently, a third group of respiratory neurones, at the rostral extension of the ventral respiratory group, has been identified by neuroanatomical (Kalia, Feldman & Cohen, 1979 ;Bystrzycka, 1980) and electrophysiological (Lipski & Merrill, 1980;Bianchi & Barillot, 1982;Fedorko & Merrill, 1984) studies. This group includes the so-called 'B6tzinger complex' which consists primarily of expiratory neurones (Lipski & Merrill, 1980) and the retrofacial group, including respiratory neurones of both the 'Botzinger complex' and the retrofacial nucleus (Bianchi & Barillot, 1982;Bianchi, 1985).…”