Inpainting is an image interpolation problem, with broad applications in image and vision analysis. This paper presents our recent efforts in developing inpainting models based on the Bayesian and variational principles. We discuss several geometric image models, their role in the construction of variational inpainting models, and the associated Euler-Lagrange PDEs and their numerical computation.Keywords: Inpainting, interpolation, Bayesian, curve model, image model, Euclidean invariance, elastica, bounded variation, Mumford-Shah, curvature, -convergence, numerical PDE.
Y 7The word "inpainting" is an artistic synonym for "image interpolation," as frequently used among museum restoration artists, who manually remove cracks from degraded ancient paintings by following as faithfully as possible the original intention of their creators [EM76,Wal85]. A mathematical illustration is depicted in Figure 1 Research is supported by grants from NSF under grant number DMS-9626755 and from ONR under N00014-96-1-0277.Research is supported by NSF under DMS-0202565.
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