In the present paper, we study a topologically contractible irreducible algebraic curve C on a Q-homology plane S with κ(S) = −∞. We determine such a pair (S, C) when κ(S\C) 0 and C is smooth. Moreover, we prove that if C is not smooth, then C has exactly one singular point and the Makar-Limanov invariant of S is trivial.
IntroductionThroughout the present paper, we work over the complex number field C. A Qhomology plane is, by definition, a smooth algebraic surface S such that H i (S, Q) = (0) for any positive integer i. Similarly, a Z-homology plane is defined. It is well known that any Q-homology plane is affine and rational (cf.[7], [17]).Let C ⊂ C 2 be a topologically contractible irreducible algebraic curve. The Abhyankar-Moh-Suzuki theorem (cf.[1] and [33]) (resp., the Lin-Zaidenberg theorem (cf.[26])) says that if C is smooth (resp., C is not smooth), then there exists a system of coordinates {X, Y } on C 2 such that the curve C is defined by {X = 0} (resp., {X m = Y n }, where 0 < m < n and gcd(m, n) = 1). In particular, if C is smooth (resp., C is not smooth), then κ(C 2 \C) = −∞ (resp., κ(C 2 \C) = 1 and C has exactly one singular point). Later on, several authors studied topologically contractible algebraic curves on Q-homology planes. Zaidenberg [35] proved that a Z-homology plane of logarithmic Kodaira dimension 2 (resp., a Z-homology plane ∼ = C 2 of logarithmic Kodaira dimension 1) contains no topologically contractible algebraic curves (resp., a unique topologically contractible algebraic curve; it is actually smooth). Miyanishi and Tsunoda [31], Gurjar and Miyanishi [14] and Gurjar and Parameswaran [18] studied topologically contractible algebraic curves on Q-homology planes with nonnegative logarithmic Kodaira dimension. More precisely, the following results are known.Theorem 0.1. Let S be a Q-homology plane with κ(S) 0. Then the following assertions hold:(1) (cf.[31], [14]). If κ(S) = 2, then S contains no topologically contractible algebraic curves.
TAKASHI KISHIMOTO, AND HIDEO KOJIMA(2) (cf. [14]). If κ(S) = 1, then S contains at least one and at most two topologically contractible algebraic curves. Moreover, such contractible curves are smooth. (3) (cf. [18]). If κ(S) = 0, then S contains at most two topologically contractible algebraic curves. Moreover, such contractible curves are smooth. (In fact, Gurjar and Parameswaran obtained more precise results. See [18] for more details.)By Theorem 0.1 we know that a Q-homology plane has logarithmic Kodaira dimension −∞ if and only if it contains at least three contractible algebraic curves. Note that, by the structure theorem of smooth affine surfaces with κ = −∞ (cf. Lemma 2.2), any smooth affine surface with κ = −∞ contains infinitely many affine lines.In the present paper, we shall study topologically contractible algebraic curves on Q-homology planes with κ = −∞ and attempt to give the results concerning more corollaries of the Abhyankar-Moh-Suzuki theorem and the Lin-Zaidenberg theorem. The main results (Theorems 1.1 and 1.3 and Corollary 1...