Measuring progress towards the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs) will substantially depend on how countries are performing in the implementation of targets under the goals. One of the key challenges lies in designing sustainability indicators. For developing countries like India, the challenge is even more complex, given the continuous tension between quality of life aspirations and commitments towards sustainable development pathways. Thus, as countries aspire for achieving SDG-11, which seeks to create inclusive cities, they also need to ensure a mechanism that enables an evaluation and monitoring system for urban infrastructure and services that are aligned to the pillars and objectives of SDGs. This article presents an analysis of a set of indicators used in India and at the global level for five key urban sectors including housing. The analysis is aimed to provide an understanding on the adequacy of those indicators to the measure sustainability of infrastructure created and services provided. The article introduces a framework for this analysis which is derived from the principles of sustainable development. The research findings show that the indicators are more inclined towards a particular aspect, in each of the sectors. The article contributes to the sustainable development discourse by identifying aspects of sustainability that have been neglected and highlighting aspects that need to be focused, as India develops indicators to measure the sustainability of urban infrastructure.