We selected wheat SSR markers specific to the U and M genomes of Aegilops species. A total of 108 wheat SSR markers were successfully tested on Ae. biuncialis (2n = 4x = 28, U b U b M b M b ), on five wheat-Ae. biuncialis addition lines (2M b , 3M b , 7M b , 3U b and 5U b ) and on a wheat-Ae. geniculata (1U g , 2U g , 3U g , 4U g , 5U g , 7U g , 1M g , 2M g , 4M g , 5M g , 6M g and 7M g ) addition series. Among the markers, 86 (79.6%) were amplified in the Ae. biuncialis genome. Compared with wheat, polymorphic bands of various lengths were detected on Ae. biuncialis for 35 (32.4%) of the wheat microsatellite markers. Three of these (8.6%) exhibited specific PCR products on wheat-Ae. biuncialis or wheat-Ae. geniculata addition lines. The primers GWM44 and GDM61 gave specific PCR products on the 2M b and 3M b wheat-Ae. biuncialis addition lines, but not on the 2M g addition line of Ae. geniculata. A specific band was observed on the 7U g wheat-Ae. geniculata addition line using the BARC184 primer. These three markers specific to the U and M genomes are helpful for the identification of 2M b , 3M b and 7U g chromosome introgressions into wheat.