This research ties together the concepts of group vitality and niche television content. Group vitality, the position a group takes based on structures in society, is partially formed by institutional support. This includes representation and depiction in the media. Niche describes specialized content that gratifies individuals, groups, and their needs. This content can be found in the form of books, music, film, television, and more. The current study focused on niche television content preference within specific groups of people based on their demographics.Separate genres were considered niche categories in this research. Participants were asked if to rate how much they enjoyed different genres of television on a Likert-type scale. They were also asked to report how much television they watch per day, which television services they use to watch, and their demographic information. Based on the data, sports are more popular with males than females, reality television is more popular with females than males, and Netflix is extremely popular. Future research possibilities include a focus on psychographics instead of demographics, exploring how different audiences feel about another medium and its variety of choices, or doing this research on a larger scale.