Aim/Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify the critical predictors affecting project desertion in Blockchain projects.
Background: Blockchain is one of the innovations that disrupt a broad range of industries and has attracted the interest of software developers. However, despite being an open-source software (OSS) project, the maintenance of the project ultimately relies on small core developers, and it is still uncertain whether the technology will continue to attract a sufficient number of developers.
Methodology: The study utilized a systematic literature review (SLR) and an expert review method. The SLR identified 21 primary studies related to project desertion published in Scopus databases from the year 2010 to 2020. Then, Blockchain experts were asked to rank the importance of the identified predictors of project desertion in Blockchain.
Contribution: A theoretical framework was constructed based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) constructs; personal, behavior, and environmental predictors and related theories.
Findings: The findings indicate that the 12 predictors affecting Blockchain project desertion identified through SLR were important and significant.
Recommendations for Practitioners: The framework proposed in this paper can be used by the Blockchain development community as a basis to identify developers who might have the tendency to abandon a Blockchain project.
Recommendation for Researchers: The results show that some predictors, such as code testing tasks, contributed code decoupling, system integration and expert heterogeneity that are not covered in the existing developer turnover models can be integrated into future research efforts.
Impact on Society: This study highlights how an individual’s design choices could determine the success or failure of IS projects. It could direct Blockchain crypto-currency investors and cyber-security managers to pay attention to the developer’s behavior while ensuring secure investments, especially for crypto-currencies projects.
Future Research: Future research may employ additional methods, such as a meta-analysis, to provide a comprehensive picture of the main predictors that can predict project desertion in Blockchain.