Post exercise hypotension (PEH) is a phenomenon of a prolonged decrease in resting blood pressure in the minutes and hours following acute exercise. Knowledge of PEH is potentially useful in designing first line strategies against hypertension as well as allowing a further understanding of blood pressure regulation in both Keywords: blood pressure; vascular; cardiac; opioids; exercise
Blood pressure responses during exerciseDuring dynamic exercise, cardiac output increases dramatically to ensure adequate perfusion to the working musculature. This increase is achieved by a withdrawal of parasympathetic tone (causing an increased heart rate and contractility), an increase in sympathetic activity (directly and indirectly increasing heart rate and contractility) and pronounced vasoconstriction of the venous vasculature (causing a greater venous return and therefore stroke volume). In parallel, the need for increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to the exercising muscle is achieved through regional vasodilation of those arterioles supplying blood to the exercising tissue in combination with a vasoconstriction of arterioles, which perfuse non-essential tissues. Although the mechanism of vasodilation at the onset of exercise is not fully understood, many compounds (eg, potassium, adenosine, nitric oxide, etc) have been implicated in the exercise induced changes. Contraction of the active muscle mass also assists in returning blood towards the heart. This 'muscle pump' effect further increases venous return and stroke volume.Increased cardiac output and vasoconstriction in non-exercising vascular beds increases systolic blood pressure (SBP), but the significant vasodilation at the exercising muscle beds helps to buffer this increase and results in a minimal rise in diastolic blood pressure (DBP). As exercise continues Correspondence: JR MacDonald, McMaster University Medical Centre, Room 4U18, 1200 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3Z5, Canada. E-mail: jaymacȰ health and disease. Following a brief review of blood pressure responses to exercise, this paper will provide a current and comprehensive summary of PEH and integrate the current state of knowledge surrounding it.