Consider a bipartite entangled system half of which falls through the event horizon of an evaporating black hole, while the other half remains coherently accessible to experiments in the exterior region. Beyond complete evaporation, the evolution of the quantum state past the Cauchy horizon cannot remain unitary, raising the questions: How can this evolution be described as a quantum map, and how is causality preserved? What are the possible effects of such nonstandard quantum evolution maps on the behavior of the entangled laboratory partner? More generally, the laws of quantum evolution under extreme conditions in remote regions (not just in evaporating black-hole interiors, but possibly near other naked singularities and regions of extreme spacetime structure) remain untested by observation, and might conceivably be non-unitary or even nonlinear, raising the same questions about the evolution of entangled states. The answers to these questions are subtle, and are linked in unexpected ways to the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics. We show that terrestrial experiments can be designed to probe and constrain exactly how the laws of quantum evolution might be altered, either by black-hole evaporation, or by other extreme processes in remote regions possibly governed by unknown physics.
OverviewStandard proofs that non-local Bell correlations [1] between parts of an entangled system cannot be used to acausally signal (transfer information) rely on quantum evolution being everywhere unitary. However, as Hawking [2] first pointed out when he gave examples of non-unitary but causal maps for evaporating black holes, unitarity, a sufficient but not a necessary condition for causality, may break down in the late stages of black-hole evaporation. In this paper we ask: When entangled systems partly cross the event horizons of evaporating black holes (or Cauchy horizons of other, more general naked singularities) and partly remain coherently accessible to experiments outside, what constraints on their non-unitary, and possibly nonlinear quantum evolution would ensure causality? and: Can signaling (acausal) evolution be detected at large distances if it indeed does take place under the extreme conditions near naked singularities and evaporating black-hole interiors?It turns out, as we will show below, that linearity (along with probability conservation and locality) is sufficient to preserve causality; acausal signaling is possible only with nonlinear maps. Nonlinear generalizations of quantum mechanics and their implications for measurement theory and causality have been discussed by many authors [3]; it is not our goal in this paper to contribute to these formal developments. We adopt the conservative position that at most a minimal generalization of quantum theory-namely one that allows for the possibility of nonlinear quantum maps while keeping the rest of the formalism intact-is necessary to understand the implications of non-standard quantum dynamics for entangled states. There is, of course, no experimental evide...