“…The final set of 20 broad CHC measures used in the primary analysis, as classified by Schneider ( 2016 ), Schneider and McGrew ( 2018 ), and our own CHC analysis, were: Fluid Reasoning-Gf (Concept Formation, CONFRM; Analysis-Synthesis, ANLSYN), Comprehension–Knowledge-Gc (Oral Vocabulary, ORLVOC, General Information, GENINF; Oral Comprehension, ORLCMP; Verbal Analogies, VRBANL), Visual Processing-Gv (Spatial Relations, VZSPRL; Block Rotation, VZBLKR), Auditory Processing-Ga (Segmentation, SEGMNT; Sound Blending, SNDBLN; Phonological Processing-Word Access, PPACC; Phonological Processing-Word Substitution, PPSUB), Short-term Working Memory-Gwm (Verbal Attention, VRBATN; Objective-Number Sequencing, OBJNUM; Memory for Words, MEMWRD), Retrieval Fluency-Gr (Retrieval Fluency, RETFLU; Phonological Processing–Word Fluency, PPLU), Processing Speed-Gs (Letter–Pattern Matching, LETPAT; Number Pattern Matching, NUMPAT; Pair Cancellation; PAIRCN). It is important to note that this set of WJ IV measures differs from the Bulut et al ( 2021 ) PNA study that was restricted to the primary 14 COG measures in the WJ IV. The current study selected the purest CHC measures from across the WJ IV COG, OL, and ECAD components.…”