“…For total fat, we fitted a model including education categories: 0 -10, 11 -13, 413 years þ BMI categories: o25, 25 -29.9, X30 kg/m 2 þ Parity: 0, 1, 2, 3, X4 þ Age at menarche, years þ use of OC: never, former and current þ Age at first birth, years (Trichopoulos et al, 1983) þ breast cancer in first-degree relative: yes or no þ alcohol intake, in g/day þ non-alcohol energy intake, in kJ/day. Total fat (10 g/day) was then added to the model, alternatively, as: (1) a continuous covariate, (2) in quintiles of total fat and (3) through splines.…”