Project Objective: The objective of the project is to provide fundamental knowledge and diagnostic tools needed to design new technologies that will allow ultrahigh speed web transfer from press rolls and dryer cylinders.Fundamental Questions: From a timdamental standpoint, we expect that roll surface performance depends on the composition of contaminants that deposit on those surfaces during use, as well as the materials and finishing techniques used in manufacturing these surfaces. We need to understand, the contamination process, the influence of contamination on work of adhesion, the roles of surface topology, film splitting, and process conditions on web transfer.
1.What is the status of the technical scope of work? Answers should be tailored to the tasks in the Statement of Work that are being performed. Task 1 -The techniques and procedures described under sub-tasks 1 and 2 were developed during the last quarter of FY 1998-99. These techniques were refined during the quarter covered by this progress reportls' quarter 1999-00. During the past two quarters four mills, comprising three different grades (coated, liner, and medium) were visited. Personnel ffom IPST collected dryer surface topology data using an epoxy replicate technique, measure dryer surface contamination density, and collected contamination samples. The contamination samples were subjected to chemical analysis at IPST. One of the most interesting tindings from this work is that all dryer cylinders have some form of contamination. While the samples collected provide a suitable database, one or more mills maybe visited in the coming quarter to widen the scope of the data base. This task will be completed by the end of the second quarter of this FY.
Task 2 -During the last quarter, the shakedown process for the CTS began. There were several problems uncovered. The induction heater used to heat the roll, a requirement for dryer can simulation, had previously been returned to the manufacturer for reconditioning. Upon testing, it did not operate properly and had to be sent back to the manufacturer. It has since been returned, installed on the CTS, tested, and shown to operate properly. The contamination system was tested. It was found that lower than expected flow rates were needed to keep the felt wetted with the contamination solution. The flow loop is being modified to incorporate a higher resolution flow meter. Contamination studies will begin by March 1.The topology of the coupons, that will be used in both the contamination studies and the web adhesion studies, were compared to those obtained from the dryer cylinders examined as part of Task 1. There was a reasonable correlation between the two sets of data. Thus, the test coupons should provide a representative surface for the contamination work. The results were interpreted quantitative y through construction of numerical models that capture the many details of this hydrologic system and simultaneously consider hydraulic head and isotope ratio data. The model ing results reinforce the qual...