ABSTRACT. The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of low doses of dopamine in children. Fourteen cases were studied after open heart surgery. Cardiac output and renal parameters were determined under baseline conditions and under continuous infusion of dopamine 2.5 and 5 ~g/kg/min. During the control period cardiac index was 2.62 f 0.19 L/min/m2, renal plasma flow was decreased at 269 f 41 mL/min/1.73 m2, GFR was 86.6 2 9.2 mL/min/ 1.73 m2, and filtration fraction was elevated at 37.1 f 1.9%. Plasma concentration of aldosterone correlated with the filtration fraction. At 5 pg/kg/min dopamine increased significantly cardiac output, renal plasma flow, and to a lesser extent GFR, thus decreasing the filtration fraction. At 2.5 pg/kg/min dopamine, increased renal plasma flow only in patients older than 5 y and had no effect on the other parameters. The increase of cardiac output in response to dopamine was abolished by propanolol pretreatment. By contrast, the hemodynamic renal response to dopamine was not altered by P-blockade. These results indicate that 5 wg/kg/min of dopamine could prevent renal failure after open heart surgery in children by increasing renal blood flow and attenuating renal compensatory mechanisms. (Pediatr Res 26:200-203,1989) Abbreviation PAH, para-aminohippurateIn the presence of reduced cardiac output, dopamine is frequently used for both its positive cardiac inotropic and its renal vasodilatory effects. A considerable amount of data supports its use in adults (1-5) but hemodynamic and renal effect of dopamine have not yet been assessed in children. Some animal (6-8) and clinical studies (9) suggest that differences in response to dopamine exist between adults and pediatric patients.After open heart surgery, cardiac output and systemic pressure are often depressed. Renal failure develops in 3 to 20% of patients depending on the criteria used and the patient population. It markedly influences the ultimate prognosis (10-1 5).Our study was designed to test the effect of a continuous infusion of dopamine, 2.5 and 5.0 pg/kg/min, on hemodynamic and renal function in children after open heart surgery. renal function before the operation. The group consisted of eight girls and six boys aged 18 mo to 15 y. The clinical characteristics and the preoperative plasma creatinine concentrations are given in Table I. All the patients had normal urinalysis with negative or trace proteinuria. Before the operation, six children with tetralogy of Fallot were treated with 1 to 4 mg/kg/day of propranolol to prevent hypoxic spells; the drug was stopped 8 h before the beginning of the operation. The surgery was performed with cardiopulmonary bypass, deep hypothermia (1 8 to 24"C), and moderate hemodilution (20 to 30%).Cold chemical cardioplegia was used to obtain asystole. When cardiopulmonary bypass was discontinued, blood was infused until the left atrial pressure reached 9.5 to 12.5 mm Hg, and a single dose of furosemide (1 mg/kg) was given.Method. After the operation, a Swan-Ganz catheter (5 F...