Nature © Macmillan Publishers Ltd 1998 8 letters to nature 878 NATURE | VOL 394 | 27 AUGUST 1998reflection does not vary significantly along-axis 9 , so we use a waveform inversion method that assumes that the layers are horizontally stratified. The inversion scheme is implemented in intercept time-slowness domain 23 . This transformation also allows a clear representation of the AMC and converted arrival (P melt S) to be seen (Fig. 3) without interference of slow-phase-velocity events such as the sea-floor reflection. The waveform inversion method determines the P-and S-wave velocities of the crust by improving the fit between observed data and synthetically calculated data. It is an automated method, and therefore reduces human bias and also provides error estimates on the final solution 6,23 . The large-scale initial P-wave velocity was taken from Tolstoy et al. 9 . The initial S-wave velocity was obtained from the P-wave velocity assuming a Poisson's ratio of 0.26 (ref. 24). We used a P-wave attenuation coefficient of 16 for the first 200 m, and 40-90 for the crust below 24 . The S-wave attenuation coefficient was half of the P-wave attenuation coefficient. The model consists of a stack of 8-m-thick layers, for which the P-wave and S-wave velocities, density and attenuation are defined. This sampling interval was based on the minimum thickness that can be resolved from the observed data, which has a frequency bandwidth of 5-30 Hz. As data from all the slownesses were inverted simultaneously, the inverted results contain a model which is consistent with the data from all slownesses, and is therefore less likely to be influenced by incoherent noise due to two-and three-dimensional effects.The turning rays above the sill and the P-wave reflection arrivals from the AMC constrain the P-wave and S-wave velocities above the AMC. Further constraint on S-wave velocity structure above the AMC comes from the arrival time of the P melt S phase. For this phase, the P-to-S conversion occurs at the solid-fluid interface of the AMC and at the sea bed such that the wave travels one leg between the sea bed and AMC as a P-wave, and the other as an S-wave. The waveforms of the AMC reflection and the P melt S phase constrain P-wave and S-wave velocities within the AMC and its neighbourhood. However, as with all seismic techniques, we have to guard against non-uniqueness of the final solution. To gain confidence in our results, we altered individual features within various candidate models while keeping the rest of the model fixed, and re-ran the inversion; the models that gave the best fit with the data are presented here. Stacking. To enhance the partial-stack images, we firstly applied a frequencywavenumber filter to the CMP gathers to remove sea-floor contamination of the AMC events, then performed a normal-moveout correction of 2.10 and 1.85 km s −1 for the P-wave and S-wave image, respectively. The partial stacks were obtained by stacking data between 2 and 3 km offsets, and all other processing parameters were as for the ϳ...