Handwriting recognition and analysis has been an active area of research in the last two decades. Handwriting analysis is being studied in various fields of science, such as graphology, neurology, psychology, and computer science. Furthermore, automated handwriting analysis has several applications, including forensic, security, medical, and disease prediction. This paper presents the most recent handwriting analysis techniques and advancements available in the literature for age and gender classification/detection. Different steps, including feature extraction and classification, frequently used in the literature for age and gender detection, are discussed, and the presented works are classified according to the applied feature extraction and classification methods. The online and offline benchmark databases are also reviewed. We used a text mining technique to perform a quantitative content analysis of the presented research and better understand the co-occurrence network diagrams of age and gender classification/detection. This study is a valuable resource that provides new research directions to students and researchers interested in this field for further research and investigation.