In a recent experiment using dual-list free recall of unrelated word
lists, C.N. Wahlheim and M. J. Huff
(2015) found that relative to younger adults, older adults showed: 1)
impaired recollection of temporal context, 2) a broader pattern of retrieval
initiation when recalling from two lists, and 3) more intrusions when
selectively recalling from one of two lists. These findings showed older
adults' impaired ability to use controlled retrieval to avoid proactive
and retroactive interference. In the present investigation, three studies
examined whether differences in retrieval initiation patterns were unique to
aging and whether they were governed by the control mechanisms that underlie
individuals' susceptibility to intrusions. In Study 1, we conducted
additional analyses of Wahlheim and Huff's data and found that older
adults' broader retrieval initiation when recalling two lists was a
unique effect of age that was not redundant with intrusions made when recalling
from individual lists. In Study 2, we replicated these age differences in a
dual-list paradigm with semantically associated lists. In Study 3, we found that
older adults' broader retrieval initiation generalized when they were
given twice the encoding time compared to Study 2. Analyses of transitions
between recalls in Studies 2 and 3 showed that older adults used temporal
associations less than younger adults, but both groups made similar use of
semantic associations. Overall, these findings demonstrate adult age differences
in the controlled retrieval of temporal context in hierarchically structured