The eco-physiological reaction of Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana on the impact of extreme environmental factors was studied; optimum zones and threshold values of soil moisture, temperature and illumination that limits photosynthesis and transpiration of this species in the conditions of the southern coast of Crimea were determined. The optimums of the studied parameters were found: En = 25-50 mg / (m 2 s), I = 450-1000 µmol/(m 2 s), Pn = 8,5-10 µmol/(m 2 s), Ws = 55-70% FC. As an indicator of the response (reaction) of species to irrigation, we used the relative water flow rate in the plant shoot and changes in shoot diameter, as well as apical growth of the plant. Analyzing research results allowed us to study the features of water regime of the studied species and reaction to extreme environmental factors. After a severe drought and two irrigations, it took about two days to restore the studied parameters to the initial values. Using the nonlinear regression equations, the dependencies are determined: Pn = f (I, E); E = f (I, W); E = f (Sf, d); Sf = f (I, W). Association between the transpiration rate and the needles temperature under the influence of limiting environmental factors is determined. At a needles temperature above 35°C, the transpiration rate sharply decreases. Regression statistics for the parameters E and Tn: R = 0,7794; R 2 = 0,6076. When introducing this species into different regions, the results of our studies allow us to compare the hydrothermal characteristics that we obtained with the climatic conditions of a particular region and evaluate the possibilities of its cultivation.