The 250-m Choshi core (CHOSHI-1), drilled from hemipelagic muds of the Inubo Group, has been physically, geochemically and tephrochronologically analyzed back to 1 Ma. We provide pollen results for the 19-169 m section of the core (400-780 ka) bracketed by the marker tephra Ty1 (equivalent to J4) and the Brunhes-Matuyama paleomagnetic boundary. The results show good agreement with the corresponding oxygen isotope (δ 18 O) profile, with high δ 18 O intervals dominated by boreal conifers Picea, Abies, Pinus (subgen. Haploxylon) and Tsuga (diversifolia), whereas low δ 18 O intervals are dominated by temperate conifers Cryptomeria, Taxaceae-Cephalotaxaceae-Cupressaceae and Sciadopitys. In order to confirm pollen-climate relations for the relevant taxa, a modern surface pollen dataset for the Japanese archipelago was consulted. In this analysis, the ratios of Cryptomeria/Picea and temperate/boreal conifers serve as proxies for the 100-kyr glacial/ interglacial cycle during the Middle Pleistocene. Distinct signals for marine isotope stages (MIS) 11, 12, 13-15, 16, 17 and 18-19 are recognized in accordance with the tephrochronology and δ 18 O of the same core. Application of the criteria to an independent pollen record from Lake Biwa provides an integrated pollen stratigraphy for mid-latitude Japan during the past 800 ky. Some degree of uncertainty remains in the chronology of the MIS13-15 interval, relating to the uncertainty in the eruption age of widespread tephra Ks11.