Fatal familial insomnia (FFI), genetic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (gCJD), and Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker (GSS) syndrome are neurodegenerative disorders linked to prion protein (PrP) mutations. The pathogenic mechanisms are not known, but increasing evidence points to mutant PrP misfolding and retention in the secretory pathway. We previously found that the D178N/M129 mutation associated with FFI accumulates in the Golgi of neuronal cells, impairing post-Golgi trafficking. In this study we further characterized the trafficking defect induced by the FFI mutation and tested the 178N/V129 variant linked to gCJD and a nine-octapeptide repeat insertion associated with GSS. We used transfected HeLa cells, embryonic fibroblasts and primary neurons from transgenic mice, and fibroblasts from carriers of the FFI mutation. In all these cell types, the mutant PrPs showed abnormal intracellular localizations, accumulating in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi. To test the efficiency of the membrane trafficking system, we monitored the intracellular transport of the temperature-sensitive vesicular stomatite virus glycoprotein (VSV-G), a well-established cargo reporter, and of endogenous procollagen I (PC-I). We observed marked alterations in secretory trafficking, with VSV-G accumulating mainly in the Golgi complex and PC-I in the ER and Golgi. A redacted version of mutant PrP with reduced propensity to misfold did not impair VSV-G trafficking, nor did artificial ER or Golgi retention of wild-type PrP; this indicates that both misfolding and intracellular retention were required to induce the transport defect. Pharmacological activation of Src family kinase (SFK) improved intracellular transport, suggesting that mutant PrP impairs secretory trafficking through corruption of SFK-mediated signaling.