A multidisciplinary approach to scientific research is necessary in order to find answers to complex questions in the field of medical and biomedical sciences. The author of this paper is a member of and coordinates the work of a multidisciplinary team composed of medical specialists, general practitioners, molecular biologists, biochemists, physiologists, psychologists, physiotherapists, bioinformaticians, physicists, statisticians and engineers. The team has been managed a research program over the previous several years in the following areas: cardiovascular ageing, heart failure and physical activity. The aim of this review article was to present the findings of several research projects and papers published in renowned international scientific journals in the areas of: I) studying the process of cardiovascular ageing , its impact of physiological processes and interaction with physical activity, and II) improving the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure in primary and secondary health care. Overall aim of the research programme has been twofold; I) to improve general health and functional capacity of older people and patients, and II) to improve health care system and clinical practice. In addition to a brief presentation of the scientific papers and their findings, this review article will also desrbibe ways of securing research funding and grant application procedures required for the research within the higher education system in the United Kingdom.