An increase in Ca 2؉ influx through L-type Ca 2؉ channels is thought to contribute to neuronal dysfunctions that underlie senile symptoms and Alzheimer's disease. The molecular basis of the agedependent up-regulation in neuronal L-type Ca 2؉ channel activity is largely unknown. We show that phosphorylation of the L-type channel Ca v1.2 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase is increased >2-fold in the hippocampus of aged rats. The hippocampus is critical for learning and is one of the first brain regions to be affected in Alzheimer's disease. Phosphorylation of Ca v1.2 by cAMP-dependent protein kinase strongly enhances its activity. Therefore, increased Ca v1.2 phosphorylation may account for a substantial portion of the age-related rise in neuronal Ca 2؉ influx and its neuropathological consequences. C a 2ϩ regulates a variety of signaling pathways (1-3). Acute uncontrolled Ca 2ϩ influx can cause neuronal death by overstimulation of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptor (4, 5). Chronic elevation of Ca 2ϩ influx has been implicated in age-associated neuronal loss and Alzheimer's disease (6, 7). The age-related learning impairment in rabbits is reversed by the specific L-type Ca 2ϩ channel blocker nimodipine (8). These observations indicate that elevation of L-type channel activity causes neuronal dysfunction during aging. Ca 2ϩ influx through L-type channels is up-regulated Ͼ2-fold in hippocampal neurons of old versus adult rats (9). The hippocampus is crucial for learning and memory; however, the molecular basis for the increase in L-type channel activity during aging is not well defined, except for an Ϸ20% increase in Ca v 1.3 protein (10, 11). We now show that cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA)-mediated phosphorylation of the L-type channel Ca v 1.2 increases Ͼ2-fold during aging and that it may underlie a substantial portion of the age-related increase in L-type channel activity.PKA increases L-type channel activity in neurons (13-16) and in the heart, where PKA-dependent stimulation of the cardiac L-type channel is crucial for the up-regulation of the heartbeat after adrenergic stimulation (17, 18 (19), and the auxiliary subunits ␣ 2 -␦, -, and -␥ (22). Only ␣ 1 1.2, and none of the auxiliary subunits, is required for the PKA-mediated increase in channel activity (23). ␣ 1 1.2 is phosphorylated in intact hippocampal neurons by PKA (24). The main phosphorylation site on ␣ 1 1.2 is serine 1928 (25, 26), which is important for the up-regulation of the channel activity by PKA (27). This site is close to the C terminus of ␣ 1 1.2, is present only in the full-length form of ␣ 1 1.2 (21), and is removed by the Ca 2ϩ -activated protease calpain after Ca 2ϩ influx through NMDA receptors (28). Calpain cleaves ␣ 1 1.2 Ϸ300 residues upstream of the C terminus in vitro (28). Deletion of the last 300-400 residues of ␣ 1 1.2 increases channel activity when expressed in Xenopus oocytes (29); therefore, calpain-mediated cleavage may permanently elevate Ca v 1.2 activity in vivo. Because calpain has been impli...