The prenatal sonographic findings in seven cases of agenesis of the corpus callosum (AGCC) are reported. Findings that suggest AGCC on standard transverse views of the fetal cranium are emphasized. All seven cases demonstrated ventricular abnormalities including four fetuses (57o/o) who demonstrated laterally displaced lateral ventricles andjor disproportionate enlargement of the occipital horns. Two additional fetuses demonstrated a large midline fluid collection, representing a dilated third ventricle. The remaining case demon· strated atypical findings of a septated periventricular cystic mass. Following birth, additional malformations A genesis of the corpus callosum (AGCC) is an uncommon cranial malformation that produces characteristic pathologic changes of the cerebral hemispheres and ventricular system. First described in 1934 by Davidoff and Dyke, and based on observations from pneumoencephalography, 1 these abnormalities include: 1) lateral separation of the lateral ventricles; 2) angular dorsal margins of the lateral ventricles; 3) concave medial borders of the lateral ventricles; 4) dilatation and elevation of the third ventricle; 5) elongation of the interventricular foramen of Monro; 6) dilatation of the occipital horns; and 7) radial arrangement of medial cerebral sulci. were found in 5 of the 7 fetuses (71%), including one fetus with trisomy 8. We conclude that AGCC can be suggested on the basis of prenatal sonographic findings and that awareness of typical findings should permit more frequent detection of this anomaly in utero. Due to the frequency of concurrent anomalies, identification of AGCC should initiate a careful search for additional malformations.