We introduce a novel interaction method which integrates humans into Internet of Things and advances from the existing client-server paradigm. We take advantage of the shared physical space to facilitate decentralized and seamless human-to-thing, human-tohuman and thing-to-thing interactions. We build these interactions upon two core technologies: mobile agents and NFC. Mobile agents realize autonomous execution of userspecific interaction tasks among things while facilitating cooperation and interoperability. Humans initiate and control interactions through physical actions that trigger communications, e.g. mobile agent migration, between NFC devices even over disparate systems. Human social relationships are utilized to disseminate tasks further in the I o T s y s t e m . W e d i s c u s s t h e b e n e f i t s o f t h i s m e t h o d i n comparison with the common smartphone-based control of smart spaces. Real-world evaluation shows that this interaction method is feasible for resource-constrained embedded IoT devices.