Rasta is a virus-like disease of unknown etiology affecting tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants in Ghana. Symptoms include stunting; epinasty, crumpling, and chlorosis of leaves; and necrosis of leaf veins, petioles, and stems. Leaf samples with rasta symptoms were collected from commercial tomato fields in Ghana in October 2012 and applied to FTA cards, and RNA extracts were prepared. Reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests with primers for Columnea latent viroid, which causes rasta-like symptoms in tomato plants in Mali, were negative, whereas tests with degenerate viroid primer pairs were inconclusive. However, tomato seedlings (Early Pak 7) mechanically inoculated with RNA extracts of 10 of 13 samples developed rasta-like symptoms. In RT-PCR tests with RNA from leaves of the 10 symptomatic seedlings and primers for Potato †