-We set the first comprehensive inventory of Trichoptera species from the Topino River basin (Umbria, Italy), based on research carried out from 1947 to 2006 at 61 lotic sites (including rheocrenous and rheolimnocrenous springs and watercourses) and 1 lentic site (marsh). In total, 78 species and 5 subspecies from 17 families were collected. The species belong to several chorological categories. The inventory comprises 16 species and 5 subspecies endemic to the Italian fauna with Rhyacophila italica, Drusus camerinus, Drusus improvisus and Allogamus ausoniae limited to the central Apennines. The presence of Beraeodes minutus and Erotesis baltica in the Fonti del Clitunno and Wormaldia pulla marlieri in the Fergia River is noteworthy because they are rare species in Italy. Almost 60 years of research now allow us to draw a synthesis of Trichoptera diversity and distribution in light of the geological history at the drainage basin level.