In the technology of a number of ceramic and refractory materials, prepared on the basis of highly concentrated ceramic binder suspensions (HCBS), elements of effective nanotechnology were realized even before the present "nanoboom." The concept has been formulated of an advance in materials technology based on HCBS both in traditional fields of their application, and in the field of structural materials science, within which for industrial introduction of existing developments it is necessary to create contemporary equipment formulation for production processes.Most recently there has been an increase in the field of research and development of technology based on preparation and application of highly concentrated ceramic binder suspensions (HCBS). For example, this is indicated not only by the significant number of papers at conferences of refractory workers and metallurgists (2006 -2010) devoted to ceramics and refractories in the aspect of nanotechnology [1 -3], but also in numerous publications by various authors in periodicals. For example, just in the journal Ogneupory in 2010 about twenty articles were published, within which the terms HCBS and ceramic concretes are provided or they are in the headings of articles or texts. Judging from the content of some of them [4 -8], recently there has been marked expansion of the scale of interest in this subject. A significant amount of research in this field is carried out in the V. G. Shukhov BGTU by our scientists and followers; this is confirmed by an increase in the number dissertation works. There has been marked expansion in the field of materials and technology studied, i.e., from ceramics and refractories to building materials for broad application [9 -17]. At the end of 2005 for the first time in the RF a teaching and scientific center "nanosystems in building materials science" was created in the V. G. Shukhov BGTU, which to a considerable extent specializes in development and implementation of the technology in question applied to the needs of the building industry [5, 10 -13, 16, 17 -20].A significant increase in the interest of researchers and specialists in the sphere of HCBS technology is connected in our view with occurrence of the present "nanoboom" embracing scientific and technical society at the beginning of this century. Many specialists of inorganic material science consider that the technology of materials prepared on the basis of HCBS, and elements of nanotechnology were successfully implemented in the 1960 -1980s, i.e., when the dimensions of ultrafine particles were expressed in angstroms, and there was no mention of nanotechnology [21 -22].Even in the second half of the 1960s, in our work for quartz ceramics technology the effect of achieving high mechanical strength of castings (binder properties of suspensions) was explained by "work hardening" during wet grinding of silicic acid and fine particles of "silica sol," i.e., particles of colloidal dispersion (the level of contemporary nanoparticles). Whereas in all of the known previous s...