Human fibroblasts, rat neurons, and murine neuroblastoma cells, cultured in the presence of fetal calf serum, were fed with [1-3 H]sphingosine to radiolabel sphingolipids. The fate of cell sphingolipids, the release of sphingolipids in the culture medium, the interaction of sphingolipids with the proteins and lipoproteins of fetal calf serum, and the fate of sphingolipids taken up by the cells were investigated. For this latter purpose, the culture medium containing radioactive sphingolipids was delivered to nonlabeled cells. The presence of tritium at position 1 of sphingosine allowed us to follow the extent of sphingolipid catabolism by measuring the production of radioactive phosphatidylethanolamine and proteins by recycling the radioactive ethanolamine formed during sphingosine catabolism and the production of tritiated water. We confirmed that in cells the recycling of sphingosine occurred to a high extent and that only a minor portion of cell sphingolipids was catabolized to the small fragments of ethanolamine and water. Cell sphingolipids were released in the culture medium, where they formed large lipoproteic aggregates at a rate of about 12% per day. Released sphingolipids were taken up by the cells and catabolized to the sphingosine and then to ethanolamine, and recycling of sphingosine was not observed. This suggests that in the presence of fetal calf serum in the culture medium, exogenous sphingolipids directly reach the lysosomes, were they are entirely catabolized. Thus, the trafficking of sphingolipids from cells to the extracellular environment and from this to other cells does not allow the modification of the plasma membrane composition.Membrane sphingolipids are complex lipids displaying a strong amphiphilic character (1). This implies an equilibrium between plasma membrane molecules and free monomers present in the extracellular environment. The critical aggregative concentration of sphingolipids is in the nano-or picomolar range (1, 2), thus the amount of free monomers in solution is low. Nevertheless, the quantity of free monomers should increase when a favorable equilibrium leads to the formation of stable lipoprotein complexes (3-5). This process should also occur in living organisms, where significant amounts of sphingolipids are detectable in serum and cerebrospinal fluid from normal and pathological subjects (6 -8), as components of serum lipoproteins or associated with albumin (4).The presence of sphingolipids in biological fluids leads to the following considerations. Exogenous sphingolipids administered to cells are taken up by the cells, thus entering the sphingolipid metabolic pathway. Several studies have been carried out by administering sphingolipids to cells (9). Gangliosides administered to cells that are cultured in the absence of fetal calf serum (FCS) 1 or proteins have been shown to become components of the cell membranes, modifying in some cases the quantity and the quality of plasma membrane gangliosides, and to enter into the endogenous sphingolipid metabolic pathways ...