Aggregation kinetics of divalent dopant ions (Me") in alkali halid crystals has been examined by various methods such as dielectric absorption [l], thermostimulated depolarization (TSD) [2, 31, optical absorption and emission [4 to 71, and EPR [5, 8 to 111. Pertinent decay curves at the first stage of aggregation have been described by a second-or third-order kinetic equation [12 to 141, while the stage of foreign phase precipitation has mostly been described by a simple exponential relation (Avrami-type) [7, 151. In spite of rather rich research work the relevant mechanisms are not fully explained so far.According to various literature data [5, 6, 16 to 191, the aggregation products of Me2+ dopants (Me2+-cation vacancy dipoles) formed at temperatures between 470 and 570 K in KCl crystals are mostly composed of foreign phase precipitates. In the present work we have performed in situ measurements of the precipitation kinetics of foreign phases composed of non-luminescent Me2+ dopant (Mg", Ba2+) and luminescent Mn2+ marker, as well as of two luminescent dopants (EuZ+ and MnZ+) in KCI crystals annealed at 523 K.