Aggressive angiomyxoma, a rare soft tissue benign neoplasm, predominantly occurs in the female pelvic peritoneum and perineum region during reproductive age. It is slow growing, locally infiltrative, and has a high risk of local recurrence and the neoplastic character of blood vessels. The standard treatment is surgery. We report three unusual aggressive angiomyxoma cases. The first case was a pedunculated mass of the left labium major; the second, a left perineal mass that infiltrated into the paravesical area via the obturator foramen; and the third, a big mass in the retroperitoneal cavity, found that growing aggressive angiomyxoma looked like lava expulsion in the pelvic area. After a thorough examination and full radiologic workup, we performed surgical excision in each patient via different approaches. Histopathologic findings were consistent with diagnosis of aggressive angiomyxoma. To date, no relapse has been observed.